The 22-year-old Selena Gomez shared a rather mysterious message with her fans through Instagram on Thursday. This included a photo of flowers with the phrase, “I want to claim my own name”.
In the caption, she also addressed rumors about herself. According to her, she gets really frustrated while hearing lies about her. The Internet is meant to keep people updated, but it just hangs on to old news and freezes it like it’s the present.
Her fans have watched her through pain and she has owned it through her music and actions. According to her, she grew up with her fans and now she is beyond excited to show people the next chapter, which she proclaims as the truth.
She further said, “I’ve been keeping so many secrets…I’m reborn in every moment so who knows what I’ll become…As long as I’m happy with me.” Finally she ended her tweet with ‘#strongisbeautiful #healthyperspectiveonthemfools.’ This could mean that Selena Gomez is about to reveal this ‘new truth’ via a new album.
The 22 year old “I Want You to Know” singer released her last album ‘Stars Dance’, back in July 2013. Recently, a fan reached out to Selena’s manager on Instagram, writing, “Sorry for asking again.
Some Selenators ask if Selena’s new single will come out before August or July? I know we have to stay tuned but is there no little hint for us!’ To this the manager simply responded with “Soon. You will have a good summer!”
Recently, around 3 weeks ago, Selena Gomez participated in a Google Hangout on behalf of Adidas NEO and a fan asked her when the new album was going to come out. She said that she has been in the studio constantly and she’s anxious for her fans to see and hear everything.
She further declared that it was the best she has ever done and her fans won’t be disappointed. Selena wished she could play it for her fans but at the moment, it’s not possible.
Meanwhile Diplo, real name Thomas Wesley Pentz has come out swinging, referring to fellow DJ Zedd’s relationship with Selena Gomez. A tweet which has now been deleted, Diplo called Zedd’s album ‘True Colors’, a poop emoji and during an interview with, he revealed that DJ Zedd’s relationship with Selena Gomez never really took place.
Diplo declared that he is not an enemy of Zedd. On the contrary, he thinks that Zedd came from a really cool place but has now been pegged as a moneymaker for a big label to perform EDM. Diplo admitted that to himself, EDM isn’t even a genre.