The NBA 2015 playoffs are about to begin, and if you are highly inclined, you skip the next two busy months of professional basketball. According to an NBA 2K15 simulation, the Golden State Warriors will be the NBA 2014-15 Champions.
Similar to all sports game makers, 2K has used its latest game in the NBA franchise to predict the outcome of this year’s playoffs. The two hot favorites are The Cleveland Cavaliers and The Warriors, according to the overall betting odds. These teams will meet in the Finals, and Golden State Warriors will come out victorious in a six-game series. The predictions didn’t include many upsets. The Spurs are favored over the Clippers in reality, in spite of being the lower seed, save for the fact that the Nets might win a game.
Although, in real life, it’s a team with weak defense, the simulated playoffs executed by 2K indicate that it was the Cavaliers’ defense that helped them win over the Atlanta Hawks during the Eastern Conference Finals. Even in 2K’s simulation, the defense wouldn’t hold up, followed by Steph Curry from The Warriors scoring 40 plus points in the 5th and 6th games of the Finals. As a result, it leads to a Warriors loss and win, so as to emerge victorious in the NBA Championship.
What are your predictions regarding this year’s NBA playoffs? Stay tuned for more updates on NBA 2K15!