Meanwhile, a study conducted by Phoenix Marketing International found that 47 percent of all users tried to make a purchase in an Apple-Pay friendly retail store. However, it was reported that the technology didn’t work properly or wasn’t in place at all. However, recent statistics suggests that around 66% of Apple users have signed up for this service. Also, JetBlue is the first airline company to accept Apple Pay in the skies.
Sadly, there are still many issues with Apple Pay. Two out of three Apple Pay users have reported a problem with the service during checkout. It mostly deals with defective terminals, too much time needed for a transaction, inaccuracy in transaction posting and cashier’s inability to help buyers using Apple Pay.
Till now, Apple Pay users have provided a majority of favorable reviews regarding this service. Furthermore, 23% will increase their use of Apple Pay in the coming months. Sadly, the problems faced by buyers during checkout are downgrading the transaction potential. In the last four months, around 48% users paid with Apple Pay for just a single time.
Reports suggest that with time, the Apple Pay service will improve considerably. The problems are similar to a technology in its budding stages. With time, the issues get rooted out and make way for enhancements.
Stay tuned for more interesting updates on Apple Pay!