Recently, there were rumors that Johnny Depp has been spotted in Beaufort but failed to surprise a single actor in town at that moment. Santiago Sosa, an actor in town for Shakespeare Rep’s production of ‘A Midsummer Night’s Dream has witnessed rumors like these regularly, for about a decade now. It is mainly because Sosa looks a lot like Johnny Depp, known for his amazing and world-famous roles in movies like ‘Charlie and the Chocolate Factory’, ‘Edward Scissorhands’’ and of course, the Pirates of the Caribbean series.
Sosa declared that he faced such remarks every day, and it gets quite annoying especially when he is out with his girlfriend and a stranger decides to interrupt them. Meanwhile, thanks to Sosa, the rumor mill started spewing up reports that Johnny Depp was in town. A popular Facebook Community page known as ‘Eat Sleep Play Beaufort’ declared that some highly reliable sources have reported seeing Johnny Depp around town since last week, especially at a certain downtown restaurant.
The comments started to fly with mainly women tagging their friends to let them know about it and suggest starting a hunt! Depp earned an Oscar Nomination for his role as a pirate, and several hoped that they could see him dressed as one. By Friday afternoon, the post was shared by almost 200 people, commented on by 130 and liked by more than 320 people. Sosa witnessed this Facebook post and said that it was funny.
Meanwhile, a few Facebook commenters reported that they had seen Johnny Depp at Common Ground, which is a coffee shop located on Bay Street. According to Josh Morehouse, there was a visitor who came to Common Ground, who looked just like Johnny Depp but wasn’t him. He further said that he was unsure whether it was the same guy or not.