The Once Upon A Time midseason finale was an emotional devastation and by now, most of the fans have recovered from it. Hook died in order to rid the world of the Dark One Darkness for all time. The painful fact is that it turned out it was all for vain since Rumple has secretly consumed all of the darkness himself.
A lot of us are worried that they will never see their favorite swashbuckling pirate again. For all those people, rest assured as Hook will definitely return for OUAT at some point during the progress of Season 5. A lot of fans probably got too emotional after their favorite sexy pirate got run through by a blade.
Thankfully, Emma’s journey to the Underworld will be featured in Once Upon a Time Season 5B and as a result, we can safely assume that Hook’s death is not at all permanent in nature. Firstly, you need to keep in mind that Once Upon a Time has been bringing the deceased back to life for quite some time now.
As a result, Hook’s odds of surviving have increased exponentially since Emma is determined to bring Hook back to the Land of the Living. If Hook was really going to stay dead, there was no point in taking all the troubles to head into Underworld.
The Storybrooke gang usually ends up achieving their goal whenever they set their mind to something. Therefore, the mission undertaken by Emma has a high chance of bearing fruit. At the same time, keep in mind that this will definitely come with a catch.
Ever since the show first premiered, we have been reminded from time to time that everything that is magical comes with a price. As a result, in order to bring Killian back, Emma and Co. will probably have to make a deal with the devil.
Adam Horowitz and Eddy Kitsis, the executive producers of Once Upon a Time, revealed that the Underworld will come with its own unique set of rules. A lot of things will be associated with the rules of the Underworld and these include how and if you can leave, where you can go and what it means to be a part of it. All of it will play a big part in Season 5 of this series. Kitsis revealed that everything will be duly explained by our underworld tour guide, Cora.
Cora is Regina’s Mother. As a result, considering these remarks, if the right circumstances present themselves, someone should definitely be able to leave the Underworld. The question is how much the gang needs to sacrifice in order to make this possible.
There could be a rule which says that in order to get a lost soul, you need to replace it with another. It could feature a typical life for a life deal. All of us know that it is never ever possible to cheat Death.
It has always been shown that unless you offer another life as replacement, Death is sure to find its mark. Usually, this means that you can buy some time. From the looks of it, OUAT Season 5 could feature some a similar backdrop.
Meanwhile, in the show, Actress Teri Reeves will be featured as a grown-up Dorothy Gale and reports indicate that she has already joined the cast. We already got to see a young incarnation of Dorothy on the show and Entertainment Weekly reported that she was played by Matreya Scarrwener in a season 3 episode.
Once Upon a Time will be returning in the New Year for its 100th Episode. This event will include the reappearance of many other characters which include Sidney Glass (Giancarlo Esposito), Peter Pan (Robbie Kay) and Cora, the Queen of Hearts (Barbara Hershey).