The previous episode of Fear the Walking Dead saw a crossover with the mini web series that would be aired during The Walking Dead commercial breaks. Flight 462 was featured in the last episode’s plane crash. It looked like Strand had been hoping to meet someone who was in the plane. However, that never happened and Strand is still looking for the mysterious individual.
It is the opening sequence of the episode that links the Fear the Walking Dead episode with the Walking Dead webseries and make the viewers realize that the wreck in question is from the Flight 462. The pre-credit scenes again take the viewers back to what happened after the plane crashed.
The boat gets stopped near the island or the land strip where the luggage had washed up. Travis realizes that the engine had stopped functioning since it was full of rotten things including the hand of a walker. Travis spends the whole episode trying to clean and restore the engine while being closely watched by Strand and Madison.
The boat picks up Alex and Jake, the survivors from the crash, but Strand isn’t interested in taking them along. Madison tries to convince him to let the boat tow their raft, but all Strand does is cut the raft loose and leave the two behind. The protagonists of Fear the Walking Dead is again reduced to the seven survivors on board the boat.
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