The Vampire Diaries is an America supernatural TV series that has been developed by Kevin Williamson and Julie Plec. The show premiered back in September 2009. It is currently in its 7th season and the 21st episode of the said season was just aired in the recent past.
The promo for the finale episode was just released and it is known that the episode has been titled Gods and Monsters. Apparently, some of the characters of the show will be in some kind of danger in the upcoming episode.
Bonnie Bennett has become quite a significant character in recent episodes of the show and in the finale episode, all her friends will be trying to save her from death. Damon Salvatore will be seen trying the hardest to somehow bring her back from the grasps of death.
In order to save her, the gang will try to open up the Armory. They will hatch a plan which will enable them to do so. However, they will be needing the help of the twin daughters of Alaric and Caroline in order to successfully execute their plan.
It is a known fact that Bonnie is alive as result of a deal that has been made between Damon and Ryan Cruz. Though this deal is keeping her alive, it is also having some kind of effect on her which has turned her into a huntress. She has been trying to kill all vampires as a result of the effects of the deal. Even her best friends are in her crosshairs at the moment.
The promo showed Damon speaking to Elena. Now it was seen during the final episode of the previous season that she was put into a deep sleep by sing some kind of magic. Many fans are of the opinion that the Elena showed in the promo is not actually her. Instead someone else has taken up her place in the vault and that someone is pretending to be Elena.
Fans are also wondering whether the bond that Elena and Bonnie shared still exists. As for the latter, it was seen in the previous episode that behind the vampire huntress, some part of her own self still exists within Bonnie.
It has been seen that Bonnie got the chance to kill Damon. However, she hesitated to do so when some memories of times she had spent with him came back to her. At that moment, she was shot with vervain by Matt Donovan.
As for the final episode the following synopsis has been released- Despite trying their best to help Bonnie out of the sticky situation that she now faces, Enzo, Damon and Caroline are steadily running out of options. Their sole chance of helping out Bonnie lies within the armory.
Stefan takes this opportunity to break the news to the others that they might need the help of an unlikely friend – her twin daughters! Enzo tries to keep Bonnie preoccupied by taking her back to the cabin, but her plan soon takes an unlikely turn, forcing Damon to take the ultimate step to try and save his closest friends. Matt makes a surprising appearance!
Various reports suggest that Bonnie might be taken back to the cabin by Enzo in Gods and Monsters. It was also reported that Damon will be making a big sacrifice in order to try and save Bonnie. It will be interesting to see what kind of sacrifice Damon makes in the upcoming episode.
Julie Plec recently stated that fans should be worrying about the fates of all the characters in the final episode. He added that it would not be a finale if fans were not worrying about the characters that they have come to love over time.