Borderlands 3 is going to be the next addition to the popular franchise of Borderlands video games. The last released game of this series was Borderlands 2 which was rolled out to the market back in 2012. The latest reports regarding its successor- Borderlands 3 suggest that the game will be considerably better and more advanced compared to Borderlands 2.
Technology has seen major progress over the years and this advancement in technology will allow the developers to bring about significant improvements in the game. It will be smoother and players will be find the gaming experience to be more enjoyable compared to its predecessor.
A better storyline is also on the cards as far as the game is concerned. The developing company behind the series- Gearbox will most likely make some additions to the arms and ammunitions department of the game too.
Various reports are suggesting that the developers at Gearbox are currently busy with another game- Battleborn and thus they are yet to shift their attention to the development of Borderlands 2.
That being said, Randy Pitchford, the CEO of Gearbox recently dropped hints through a Tweet that the development of Borderlands 3 is beginning. He stated that the art director of Battleborn will be working on Borderlands 3 too and he is about to begin his work on the upcoming title.
That apart, some details regarding the game were also shared by the developers at the Penny Arcade eXpo East Panel which was held recently. During the event, Mikey Neumann, the Chief Creative Champion of Gearbox hinted towards the possibility that Scooter’s son might be seen in the upcoming game.
This character will be named Scooper. In his own words- “I did this whole Scooter thing, then I pitch-shifted it up like seven semitones so it sounds like a chipmunk and it was the funniest thing I’d ever heard.”
However, Neumann abstained from divulging any more details about the character and he also stated that the inclusion of the character in the upcoming game is yet to be finalized. Neumann is the voice behind Scooter and it has come to light that the voice actor will be the one to pen down the story for the upcoming game.
It should be mentioned here that Gearbox did release another Borderlands game after Borderlands 2. It was called Borderlands: The Pre Sequel and it hit the market in 2013. A re-launching of the game was done in 2015 under the name- Borderlands: The Handsome Collection.
So, in that context, it can be seen that the Borderlands franchise already has three games in it. Thus, it is still not clear if the upcoming game will indeed be titled Borderlands 3. Pitchford himself gave confirmation to the fact that the Borderlands franchise will see more games in the future.
He made this announcement in the previous year and naturally, it was too early for him to reveal anything about Borderlands 3. He stated that it would be irresponsible on his part to make any comments about the game at that moment.
He pointed out that the ideas that the company had about the game at that point in time were bound to undergo changes by the time they actually begin to work on the game.
2K Games will be publishing Borderlands 3 and the producer of the company- Chris Thomas recently stated in an interview that the people who worked on Battleborn might work on Borderlands 3 as well. However, he also mentioned that more workers will be hired by Pitchford for the development of the upcoming game.