Last year, Jenna Coleman left Doctor Who for good. She ran off into space and time with Arya Stark and it seemed like a rather high note for an uneven companion. Fans were left wondering whether this was the last time we witnessed Clara in the realm of time travel.
According to Peter Capaldi, it may not be so. An interesting statement was issued from a Doctor Who panel at Awesome Con last Sunday in DC. The whole thing was released and it features both Capaldi and Coleman. At one point, Clara’s exit was discussed by Capaldi and this included having his memory wiped to forget her existence.
This meant that the Doctor would travel around without thinking about her. Later, he added that he was not sure of how Clara wiped his mind. He wants to reveal something intriguing but he can’t. He said that in a room full of fans and as a result, fans started bombarding him with more questions.
As a result, Doctor Who confirmed that recently he shot something where he and Clara were travelling together again. He let slip something amazing but then he started dancing around the details.
This made it quite complicated and prevented any further breakdown-analysis. It could mean that the cameo is kind of a flashback which is set before Clara actually left.
However, Doctor Who isn’t filming at all. We will have to wait till Christmas this year in order to witness Doctor Who again. The latest thing which Capaldi shot recently was a short video release in order to announce that Pearl Mackie will be the new companion, Bill.
Meanwhile, the great thing about spin-offs is that it makes sure writers can produce new material or explore certain aspects of the show which cannot be tackled by the original show.
In the case of Doctor Who, it is not possible to spend time with the older doctors since their corresponding actors are quite old or they are simply not alive anymore. However, these Doctors can be the way they are in comics, novels, and other assets. Paul Cornell has begun his run on Titan’s third Doctor Who comics in August.
Cornell has written stories like Father’s Day and Human Nature/Family of Blood. There are dozens of books and comics and Skype, to discuss what the third Doctor might look like. The setting will be very 1970s.
All modern doctors have been seen in the titan run of Doctor Who. It also showed the Fourth Doctor and Cornell should get a miniseries, writing the story arc of all Four Doctors. He said that working on the book of the Third Doctor was inspired from a certain place.
Cornell wants the central idea of the arc to remain a surprise and didn’t wish to ruin it from now. He was asked about when this arc might take place, to which he replied that it will be after the ‘The Three Doctors’ when Jo Grant is still alive.
This places it in season 10 and that is the final season for the longest companion of Doctor Who. Jo Grant was played in this series by Katy Manning.
Meanwhile, we are still quite far away from Doctor Who Season 10 but details regarding the production have already started to leak out. It could showcase a very interesting run indeed. As already mentioned, Peter Capaldi leaked that series fans are yet to see the last of companion Jenna Coleman.
She could appear in the doctor’s memories or even in the show itself. Most fans are expecting to see a Clara cameo, sometime in the future. It seems possible that Clara is still at large in the Whoniverse with Maisie Williams, who plays fellow immortal Ashildr.