Beauty and the Beast is an American television series that has been developed by Sherri Cooper- Landsman and Jennifer Levin. The show made its debut on The CW on October 11, 2012. The show is currently in its fourth season which is also going be its last one.
The third episode was just aired, and spoilers regarding the next one have started circulating the internet. The fourth episode of season 4 of Beauty and the Beast has been titled Something’s Gotta Give.
Rumors state that Jay Ryan’s Vincent might be seen going after a lead in the upcoming episode. Apparently, he will be coming face to face with some danger while trying to do so. His life will be at risk.
Reports state that the actual identity of the bounty hunter that is hunting Vincent will be revealed in the next episode. The bounty hunter in question started hunting for Vincent when a $5 million bounty was out on his head. The lead that Vincent will be following will ultimately result in the revelation of the identity of the bounty hunter.
It has been reported that the bounty hunter takes the false identity of an accountant to hide his true self. He goes by the name of Albert Toland.
Some previous reports stated Cat might be coming to know that she is pregnant. However, she is on an undercover mission, trying to find the person that wants to capture her husband, Vincent. Discovering that she is pregnant, while on an undercover mission is likely to cause some trouble for her.
Fans will also be witnessing the abduction of J.T., played by Austin Basis, in the upcoming episode. Apparently, he will be mistaken for someone else which will lead to his kidnapping.
Coming back to the pregnancy of Cat, fans do not know for sure whether she is actually pregnant or not. It is likely that the upcoming episode will be shedding some light on the matter. Cat and Vincent’s lives are anything but normal.
Their lives always seem to be in some kind of danger and thus if indeed Cat is pregnant, it will be quite interesting to see what the couple decides to do to keep their baby safe. They might be seen having conflicting opinions about having a baby at this point. The character of Cat is played by Kirstin Kreuk.
Episode 4 of season 4 of Beauty and the Beast has been written by John E. Pogue. It will be directed by Steven A. Adelson. The episode will air on The CW on June 23 at 8 PM CT.
Some spoilers regarding the fifth episode of the season are also doing currently doing rounds. The episode has reportedly been titled It’s a Wonderful Beast. Since a bounty hunter is after Vincent, his life is at risk, and thus, he will feel that his wife might be better off without him. Being with him is putting her life at risk too.
Alongside Vincent and Cat, J.T. and Tess Vargas will also be making an appearance on the episode. Nina Lisandrello portrays the character of Tess Vargas on Beauty and the Beast. Deputy Secretary Hill, played Andrew Stewart Jones will make an appearance in the fourth episode and it is likely that he will show up in the fifth one too.
It has been revealed that the person who wants to see Vincent dead has a lot of money. Apparently, he is the one who has set the bounty on his head. He has a knack for killing beasts and wants to keep Vincent as a trophy. However, it has yet to be revealed as to who this person is.