The latest batch of speculations suggests that iPhone 7 will come with 3D Touch Tech. Sadly; this feature will not be introduced in the iPad Air 3. Apple Insider reported that various production issues prevented Apple from incorporating the 3D Touch feature on the iPad Air 3 displays.
Meanwhile, Apple’s hottest market is China but the iPad Pro isn’t doing so well in it. China based analytics firm TalkingData gathered some metrics and it was later revealed that the device witnessed only 49000 activations in China during the four weeks it was on sale there.
These sales figures are much lower than that of the iPad Mini 4 and the iPad Air 2. According to DigiTimes, the higher starting price of the iPad Pro is to be blamed for this outcome.
In the meantime, there are great discounts being offered on BestBuy on several Apple devices during the end of the holiday season. BestBuy has further introduced price-cuts on the iPhone 6S and the 6S Plus.
They are both available with a $100 discount through various carriers like Sprint and Verizon, during its two-year contracts. The 6S and the 6S Plus are currently available with respective on-contract pricing of $99 and $199.
The Apple Watch has also received a $100 discount. Forbes reported that the Apple Watch was one of the best-selling products on Black Friday. Meanwhile, the iPad Mini 4 also received a $100 discount.
Stay tuned for more updates on Apple iPad Mini 4!