Bethesda hasn’t confirmed when it will be released but almost all Elder Scrolls fans worldwide are waiting for the launch of Elder Scrolls 6. Sadly, it does seem like the veteran and hardcore players of this franchise need to wait a little while longer.
From the looks of it, this game is yet to enter the development stage. However, Yibada states that the development of Elder Scrolls 6 has already started. Bethesda is currently totally engulfed with Fallout 4 maintenance, support and probably working on some DLCs for it. The company was pretty busy with Fallout 4 and that is how they managed to bring out some post-launch content for all the Fallout players.
Meanwhile, Pete Hines of Bethesda hinted in an interview that took place earlier with Telegraph UK that Elder Scrolls 6 is already under development. However, it seems like Bethesda is taking their time to become one of the developers/publishers of this franchise.
They have planned to be really meticulous and provide attention to every detail, when it comes to the development and inevitable release of Elder Scrolls 6. Hines earlier declared that gamers expect an Elder Scrolls 6 so early is because that is what most other companies would do.
However, Bethesda is far from a company that churns out new installments and sequels every year. They are not the kind of publisher that focuses on ’25 titles for 2015’. All being said, Bethesda is pretty unclear about the release date for Elder Scrolls 6.
According to Crossmap, fans will have to wait a little longer if they want to get their hands on Elder Scrolls 6 and the earliest could be considered as 2019.
The present moment is perfect to talk about Elder Scrolls 6, now that Fallout 4 has released successfully and most people still have a hundred hours left before completion. A lot of us haven’t even started it yet.
Meanwhile, inquisitive gamers want to know about the future of the Elder Scrolls franchise. What does Elder Scrolls 6 have in store for us? Right now, Fallout 4 looks pretty awesome and it’s going to be new for quite some time.
The sequel to Skyrim will surely be the properly designed installment that this franchise deserves. However, you need to calm down about Elder Scrolls 6 release since the developer hasn’t mentioned anything officially. In fact, the company declared that it won’t be releasing for a long, long time.
The good news is Bethesda will start with Elder Scrolls 6 development pretty soon and they will probably make use of a new engine, in case a new engine is under development. The backend stuff will be developed first and the full team will move out after DLC for Fallout 4 is complete in a year or so. Thankfully, we know a few things about the upcoming Elder Scrolls 6.
For example, rumors indicate that it will be called Redguard. This was speculated by looking at previous trademark registrations patterns by Bethesda. If things continue to hold well, it will follow the same trend which is seen in all other mainstream games and the storyline will be further continued into the future.
The game might proceed into the doomed failure of the White God Concordat and the next stages of the rise of Thalmor Empire. We recommend that you don’t think too much about it because you will end up being disappointed.
The game is pretty far away and a lot could happen between now and then. Bethesda plays its cards very close to its chest. This was clear with Fallout 4 even reaching meme status and people didn’t even know it existed, until this summer.