Viber, internet communication app is fast becoming a major competition for WhatsApp and Skype. Viber recently launched its 5.3 Android version and has included the feature for Android Wear devices apart from other added features to improve the experience of the app users.
The Android Wear feature will help the users to send and receive messages from the Android Wear devices, like the smartwatch. The message can be sent from the smartwatch over Viber messaging service with the help of a voice command.
Viber has also added a new option to include chat admin. This will help users to create and manage group chats- edit information in the group and add and delete participants. Viber has a latest feature, where even if the user doesn’t have a particular number saved, the app will provide the unknown number with a name and photo of the said person.
This latest update in Viber has introduced several changes and improvements in the Public Chat feature of the app. Several animated stickers have been introduced and users now have the option of checking out latest news and updates from the world of entertainment and sports.
The update can be accessed from the Play Store. The 34MB update is compatible with devices that have Android 2.3 and above.
Viber has also forayed into the gaming world with three standalone game apps like Viber Candy Mania, Wildluck Casino and Viber Pop. Users will be able to see what games their friends are playing by sending them game invites.
Viber is easy to use and hassle free. It allows the users the freedom to use multiple devices with the same app. You can use Viber even on your PC. However, if you install Viber on your PC, you must install it on your mobile because Viber will make use of your mobile number for the installation. No matter where one uses Viber, it works in a standalone manner without the use of the Web Browsers, unlike Whatsapp Web.