Before getting into our review of The Witcher 3, you should know that it is an incredible game. Now that we’ve got that out of the way, let us discuss the various aspects which make it so successful.
In case you are here for a simple recommendation regarding whether or not The Witcher 3 is the right game for you, then fret not. CD Projekt’s latest installment is worth your every penny. Hence, it’s best to grab hold of this title and cancel your plans for a fortnight as its going to take some time.
Essentially, The Witcher 3 is not just worth playing. When you start this game, you will want to go through every nook and cranny of whatever it throws at you. This includes exploring every town, village, castle, cave, ruin and anything else you encounter on the way. The Witcher 3 is rewards the gamer! It knows exactly what you are looking for and precise delivers the satisfaction you are looking for.
You’ll want to go through every quest and line of dialogue and review every tantalizing question mark fit into its gigantic map. This 200 hour open-world RPG title has achieved this with the help of one single aspect and that’s focus.
There are many open world RPG games like Skyrim, featuring numerous thematic backgrounds, designed to let the gamer experience them in the manner they please. These games allow the creation of one’s own character and building his unique gameplay around it and expecting the game to adopt consequently.
The Witcher 3 isn’t about creating a role. Here, you assume the role of our famous protagonist, Geralt of Rivia. In case you missed the previous two titles, you should know that Witchers are professional monster hunters. They excel at their trade through combinations of intense training and purposely applied mutations.
This in turn, makes them stronger, faster and more resilient than normal human beings. Witchers are viewed as immensely dangerous and void of emotions. The people who require their service look at them with a combination of terror and awe. Meanwhile, Geralt differs from most of this kind due to the fact that he likes to get involved.
It could be a local dispute taking place in a village or a mastermind plot to murder the king, Geralt’s job of locating monsters and killing them frequently places him at the center of political and social turmoil.
Considering the grand scheme of things, Witchers are usually neutral. Sadly, parties look upon Geralt when it comes to casting votes, forcing him to make choices that will result in either of the parties being angered, hurt or killed.