Person of Interest is a popular American series developed by Jonathan Nolan which falls under the science fiction crime drama category. The show airs on CBS and earlier completed its 4th season on May 5, 2015. The 4 seasons till now is comprised of 90 episodes and a 5th season of the show is going to be released in the near future.
The show is going to make its return to CBS with a 5th season and speculations are hot in the market whether this is going to be the final season of the show. There are no specific details available regarding the possible date of debut of the season as of yet.
However, the latest lineup released by CBS for the mid-season shows does not include the name- Person of Interest which could mean that the 5th season of the show won’t make an appearance until the summer of 2016.
Reports from a renowned website state that the show has been pushed back due to some reasons. The report further claims that the reason behind this delay is the fact that the Warner Brothers Television was the original license holder of the show and it was not produced in-house by CBS.
Thus it is natural for CBS to give priority to air shows that have been produced in-house by the network. Person of Interest not being their own production will have to wait for sometime before any of the current shows complete their runs and a free slot is available in which it could be inserted.
Some behind the scenes images from the sets of the show have made appearances on the internet which shows Harper and Logan meeting at the Lincoln Memorial. This could mean that these two popular characters are set to make a comeback to the show.
The previous season comprised of 22 episodes while only 13 episodes have been announced for the 5th season. This could be accounted to the fact that the 4th season was not able to acquire expected amount of household ratings during its run.
The reduction in the number of episodes could also be an indication that the upcoming season is going to be the last one of the crime drama series. A similar policy was followed by CBS with another of its shows- The Mentalist.
Jonathan Nolan recently stated in an interview that the 5th season will come with 13 kickass episodes and the story will get a fitted conclusion. He did not reveal whether this was going to be the last season for the show but stated that if the team is asked to work on more seasons for the show, they would happily do so and bring more Person of Interest to the fans.
Michael Emerson, the protagonist of the show who plays the character of Harold Finch in the show dropped some hints about his character for the upcoming season. B.S.O.D is going to be the title of the first episode of the 5th season and this episode will reportedly consist of flashbacks concerning Harold. His interactions with The Machine in the past will also be brought to the forefront in this episode.
Emerson pointed out that Harold has been trying hard for years to keep his personal feelings and emotions out of the way and maintain a professional relation, however, it looks like that he is failing to do so as his parental care often comes out to the forefront and exposes his actual emotions.