Advancement in healthcare technology has continued to grow at a tremendous rate in the last few year. The most advanced development in technology has particularly been noted in the field of Electromedical equipment because of the need to deal with more complex and complicated medical problems. Here below are the 4 top recent innovations in the field of Electromedical equipment:
GPS Shoes
These shoes have been developed with the aim of helping people who have poor memory or are suffering from dementia or amnesia. These special shoes are GPS-fitted and help the wearer not to lose his or her way home. They are particularly helpful for people who are suffering from dementia or Alzheimer’s disease. However, the patient must remember to wear the shoes in order to benefit from using them.
Using a Chip to Diagnose Flu
Medical researchers have been able to develop a chip that can diagnose flu. This chip is particularly useful for screening flu epidemics. In addition, it is a cheaper method of screening compared to traditional methods, including polymerase chain reaction (PCR) or viral cultures. These traditional techniques are also time consuming and lab extensive.
The greatest advantage of this chip is that it is cheap, quick, and very sensitive when it comes to detecting the flu virus.
Detecting Malaria and HIV by using a Paper Device
This is a new technique that is very easy to use and also takes a very short time. The technique uses a chromatography paper and a hydrophobic substance such as wax. A hydrophobic substance is applied on the paper in order to channelize the sample in question, including urine, blood, or saliva towards the reagents which have been placed on various spots on the chromatography paper. If the sample shows the presence of malaria parasites, glucose, or HIV virus, a certain chemical reaction takes place and makes the paper to turn into a specific color, depending on what is being tested for. In addition, the paper can also show two lines instead of one and this is an indication of the presence of a disease. The paper shows results instantly.
Using the tongue to operate a Wheelchair or Computer
Scientists have been able to develop technology that helps patients with paralysis of both legs and arms to have the ability to operate a wheel chair or computer. Such patients can now use their tongue to issue a command to a computer or wheelchair by using the tongue to point to the desired direction. In this technique, a magnet is embedded in the tongue and the movements of the tongue are detected by the sensors that are retained by a retainer fitted in the roof of the month.
These are some of the most recent development in the field of electromedical equipment.